29 June 2008


Last night my folks and I went to Bocktown for a Pens Conference Championship party sponsored by Craft Beer Radio where I got to meet Jeff from CBR and a fellow named Bryan from Philadelphia (who I thought looked suspiciously like Bruce Campbell- maybe someone should tell him) who runs an entertaining and informational blog called The Brew Lounge...if you enjoy Philadelphia, anyway.

After a rather nasty storm forced us off the deck and into the restaurant, we tried a nice selection of beer unavailable in the PGH area, including Iron Hill, Sly Fox (which apparently only produces canned beer), and the Canadian beer, Péché Mortel, made by Dieu du Ciel. There was this sort of lingering curiosity because my folks and I were the only ones to show up (poor advertising, I assume?) and I, a girl of 21, was the one interested in a possible career in beer. We had a group picture with Bryan, Jeff, and the owner of Bocktown, a woman named Chris so hopefully that will get put up somewhere and I can display both my love of beer and the Penguins!

As stated earlier, my taste buds are still developing. I'm a big fan of IPAs and tend to classify myself as a Hop Head. The Péché Mortel, which I suppose is a stout, was really a rather complex and strong beer. I'm decidedly not a stout person, but this beer was surprisingly delicious. My favorite of the night was definitely Iron Hill Old Ale. It smelled overwhelmingly of rum, but was actually very light on the tongue with a sweet after taste. A pleasant, lovely surprise, to say the least.


Dr Joel said...

Oooh it's YOU Amanda. I didn't even put two and two together until i came over here to check out the blog (i can't wait to read about more beer adventures).

Shoot me an email when you get a chance... joel24_24@yahoo.com

Dr Joel said...

And thanks for stopping by my blog by the way. Glad to hear Iron Hill fit your fancy. When is the Iron Hill / Iron City faceoff??

Amanda B. said...

Oh my God could you imagine such a thing? In one end, a 3.2 light swill beer...

IC would get their asses handed to them. But hey, maybe free beer for all?